Subject: ... huh.
Posted on: 2019-10-02 20:34:00 UTC

I think I might actually agree with this.

I really like 'Dragonflight', but have never been able to remember what actually happens in 'Dragonquest'. I have, however, always loved the Harper Hall (who doesn't?). So I agree on the general, if not the specifics.

I... think I've only read 'Masterharper' once, so I don't remember it well; but accepting the premise that it's good, I'd agree that it would be a great point of entry. It introduces Pern through the people, and gives the dragons a sense of awe before we get to know them so closely. That way, when you get into the Menolly books, or 'Renegades', that awe - and even terror - makes sense to you, rather than being a 'why would you be scared of them, they're cool' situation.

Definitelt don't go in via the other prequels. 'Moreta' is a beautiful book that spoils every later Timing story. 'Red Star Rising' (aka 'Eye') is maybe my favourite book, but totally disconnected from everything else. 'Dawn' and 'First Flight' should be read once you meet Aivas, and introduce the Todd prequels.

That said, I do feel that Anne's creative output peaked before the end. 'Dolphins' always bored me, and 'Skies' is... I dunno, it just feels disjointed. Maybe it's just too separate from the North for me.

(As for Dresden Files: my entry point was a random book in the middle, after which I went back to the start. I'd recommemd that approach: pick something like 'Summer Knight' to see what it will be, then drop back to the start in the knowledge that better is on its way.)


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