Subject: I mean, strictly speaking...
Posted on: 2019-10-09 02:36:00 UTC
...the PPC Wiki is public, ergo it already is all publicly accessible. But I do agree with your point; if we want to recruit people who are compatible with our attitude now, we need to show what that attitude is correctly to begin with, and given that most of the really old Board posters have left at some point we probably shouldn't do anything with their work. Yes, 'everything' might be a bit difficult.
So I suppose that means that we should try and prioritize recent missions from current Boarders, if we go through with this? That seems like it would deal with those problems, although it does mean that historically relevant things like Trojanhorse/Paddlebrains, who more-or-less seem to have written the book for Bad Slash, and some of the old Departments like DOGA, which doesn't seem to had a mission in a decade, might be left out.