Subject: The trouble with back catalogues is...
Posted on: 2019-10-08 21:17:00 UTC

...#they always try to teach the wrong lesson (doot do doo)#

No, wait. But also, yes.

Because if you've been writing for a long time, you look at your older stuff and go: yaaarrrghuuerch that's awful! I haven't wanted to look at the beginning of The Reorganisation for over a decade, for instance, and Dafydd's missions... yeah, no.

So while I totally agree with the principle, I also think that for some of us, it's a bigger job than it looks like.

(Though I would love to clean up Dafydd's stuff and post the whole thing in order, splicing in some extra missions to flesh out his relationship with Connie... maybe someyear. But not yet.)


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