Subject: Well, yes, but actually...
Posted on: 2019-10-12 15:31:00 UTC
There's a good reason Ix's missioning My Immortal even though pretty much everyone knows exactly what makes it bad, and that's that having characters actually react to the events of the fic while inside of it and witnessing the reality distortions caused by Suvians is entertaining on a different level than just criticism. It's also fun to see exactly what way the agents are going to kill the fic and how they're going to deal with the dangers.
You have a point. Maybe the #badfic channel should be shoumetsu'ed. As a matter of fact, perhapseth the whole Discord should be shoumetsu'ed or highly reorganized, because I know that I'm getting caught up in all the discussion rather than reading or writing PPC. (Not to mention how fast I get around to hating what I've written...)
But missions are a heckuva lot more than just sporking badfic. They're also for character development and interactions.
And hey, maybe if we try to encourage more PPC writing by posting to AO3 and such and such like that, we can create a renaissance in our community! If we all try to be more active on the Board, we can fix this! And now someone's playing emotional, dramatic anime music in real life!
The point I'm trying to make is: Don't Give Up!