Subject: Interesting question.
Posted on: 2019-10-11 08:50:00 UTC

My general assumption with PPCing is that a mission can go to any department that can identify at least one charge specific to them. So any mission with a Geographical Aberration can go to DOGA, even if it's only a minor part of the story. (This was taken to extremes with the requested Pain & Regrets etc, where the DOGA charge is... moving a hut.)

That said, for pure DOGA missions I preferred to find stories that had something seriously geographical going on, and there were three ways of doing that:

1/ Reading fanfic. Back in the day, I was an active reader of, and looked at multiple fics per day. If I found one that was a) bad and b) had a DOGA charge, I made a note of it. More Than Ordinary was actually written by someone I internet-knew.

2/ Place-names and princesses in summaries; in Middle-earth the latter (especially Elven princesses) usually imply the former. Echoes of the Narbeleth has a Summary Princess, and sure enough, she comes from 'Lakewood'.

3/ Being prompted by the Board. Eledhwen was one of these, apparently, and creates at least three new countries.


For a more general approach, I'd say a DOGA-worthy mission should have one of:

-A badfic-created location (country, planet, building, whatever) that doesn't fit with the setting.

-Major geographical compression, ie, you can protest that they go from '[blank] to [blank] in a single day!'.

-A change to the nature of a location. Empire State of Mind places Middle-earth as a separate planet, which... no.


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